
Showing posts from May, 2018

Relaxing by day, Sleeping at night: Finding Inner Stillness and Ease - Tara Brach

More than one-third of adults in the U.S. don't get enough sleep, and studies have shown that mindfulness can make a positive difference. When we effectively quiet the mind and relax the body, sleep comes naturally. By being well-rested, we are better able to respond to the demands of our lives with intelligence and kindness, resilience and grace. This guided meditation will help cultivate access to relaxed attentiveness and a pathway to ease-filled sleep. Listen:

Seeing Basic Goodness, Part I - with Tara Brach

Most of us long to trust our goodness, but get caught in stories of deficiency and striving to affirm we’re okay. These talks look at the block to realizing the loving awareness that is our essence, and the practices that help us see this essential goodness—in ourselves, dear ones and in those we might habitually consider different or “other.” Both talks include reflections that can help us appreciate the basic goodness that lives through these precious, changing forms. “Saints are what they are, not because their sanctity makes them admirable to others, but because the gift of sainthood makes it possible for them to admire everyone else.” -Thomas Merton Listen: